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Site Created With Microsoft FrontPage
FrontPage Errors

Note: The Copy Web/Publish Web function will not work properly until your domain name is "Live" on our servers. This is because when the FrontPage extensions are installed, they must be configured for your domain name. If you have requested for your site to be FrontPage ready, you will receive an e-mail when you can begin using FrontPage. 

FrontPage 98 has been released and the FrontPage 98 server extensions have been installed on Enchanted Websites' servers, for all clients currently using FrontPage.

ERROR: Recalculate the links for your site.

Recalculating the Links for your site, directly on the server is the general fix-all for many FrontPage errors. Always Recalculate the Links every time after you make any changes to your site. Follow these directions to Recalculate the links for your site:

  1. Open FrontPage Explorer
  2. Open Existing Web (www.domain.com)
  3. Enter your username and password
  4. Click OK (This should open your site on our server)
  5. Click on the "Tools" menu
  6. Select "Recalculate Links"

ERROR: 'www.domain.com' is not a valid host name or IP address.

This error occurs when:

  • Your site does not have the FrontPage extensions installed.
  • You are not connected to the Internet.
  • You are not connected via a standard 32-bit PPP/SLIP connection.

FrontPage will not function properly with some online services like America Online unless the version you are using supports 32-bit Internet applications. . Contact your access provider to find out about compatibility.

ERROR: Table of Contents Web Bot returns hundreds of incorrect links or doesn't show up at all.

This error occurs when your WebBot is not starting out it's search at the correct html page in your site. Try to Recalculate the links for you site (see above). If this does not work, please follow these directions:

  1. Open FrontPage Explorer
  2. Open Existing Web (www.domain.com)
  3. Enter your username and password
  4. Click OK (This should open your site on our server)
  5. Double Click on the page that contains your TOC WebBot
  6. Right Click on the TOC WebBot and select "WebBot Component Properties
  7. Browse to the correct start page for the TOC
  8. Save your changes
  9. Recalculate Links for your site

ERROR: Search Page returns pages in stats directory

This will happen when your Search Page is located in the same web as the stats folder which every account is supplied with. To keep the search engine out of the stats directory, the stats directory will have to be created as a FrontPage web.

Note: this is also the same method to password protect your stats directory with a FrontPage account.

  • Connect to to the Internet through your Internet access
  • Open up Frontpage explorer.
  • Go to File|Open Frontpage web
  • In Destination Web server or File location enter your domain name .
  • Hit List webs .
  • This will connect to the site and report back the Frontpage webs on the site . The main web is the Root web .
  • Choose the root web.
  • Enter your username and password .
  • Click OK. This should open your site on our server .
  • Go to File| New |FrontPage Web .
  • Select Empty Web . Make sure that add to web is not selected .
  • Name the FrontPage Web stats (keep it lowercase just like it is .) Leave the web server information www.domain.com which should already be selected .
  • A dialog box will pop up which will notify you that the server needs to be restarted . You can ignore this.
  • This will convert your stats directory into a Frontpage child web.

To Password protect your stats web or any web

  • Connect to to the Internet through your Internet access provider .
  • Open up Frontpage explorer .
  • Go to File|Open Frontpage web
  • In Destination Web server or File location enter your domain name .
  • Hit List webs .
  • This will connect to the site and report back the Frontpage webs on the site . The main web is the Root web .
  • Highlight the web you want to password protect . (Choose stats if that is the subweb you wish to protect .)
  • Click OK.
  • This will open up the Frontpage web on the Internet.
  • It will ask for your username and password. Enter that in .
  • Once your Frontpage web on the Internet has fully loaded go to Tools|Permissions .
  • This will open up a dialog box which will have several tabs on it .
    • Go to the Settings Tab
    • Choose Use Unique Permissions for this Root web
    • Click Apply .
    • Go to the Users tab.
    • Choose the Click Button for "Only registered users have Browse access"
    • Click OK
  • This will password protect the web to your user name. If you are on a Linux server you may also add users with browse access to this web by clicking ADD on the Users tab.




Enchanted Websites

265 Turkeysag Trail Ste 102 #117
Palmyra, VA 22963
phone: (434) 373-0009
Copyright ©1997- Enchanted Websites
All Rights Reserved

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