The overall
ACSI score for search engines is 68, but the differences between
the largest competitors are vast. Google registers a score of
80 -- more than 30% better than Alta Vista (61) and Ask Jeeves
(62). Such a difference among competitors is extremely rare
and is usually limited to evolving industries. Typically, customers
will flock to the best companies, with industry consolidation
a probable result. The recent agreement between AOL and Google
to join forces and offer AOL users the Google search engine
may be a step in this direction. But it may help AOL more than
Google. Not surprisingly, Google has much higher customer loyalty
than its competitors. Google users tend to spend more time searching
the site than do users of competitive sites: 24.1 minutes for
Google users, compared with 18 minutes for AltaVista users and
16.2 minutes for AskJeeves users. Furthermore, Google led all
search engines in total search hours per month per user: 11.7
hours for Google users, compared with 4.8 hours for AskJeeves
users and 1.9 hours for AltaVista users. (Commentary by Professor
Claes Fornell)
Source: ACSI
(The American Customer Satisfaction Index), Aug 2002
engine promotion statistics
percentage of active websites using metatags: 42%
most commonly used metatag: Refresh
("keywords" and "description" metatags are
used in search engine promotion; so significantly less than
42% of all active websites are involved in search engine promotion)
Source: NetFactual,
Feb 2002
email traffic
Source: International
Data Corporation, Oct., 2000
of US Internet users who check their mail on a typical day:
Source: Pew
Internet and American Life, Jul. 2002
of US company online sales due to email-based promotions:
Source: Direct
Marketing Association, April 2002
percentage of US companies that believe email marketing is
their most effective customer retention tool: 63%
Source: Direct
Marketing Association, April 2002
US businesses are now using email marketing campaigns than traditional
direct mailings.
Source: GartnerG2,
Mar. 2002
of marketers who plan to increase use of email newsletters:
Group, Aug. 2002
percentage of junk mail ("spam")
in US businesses' daily email load: up to 30%
Source: Message
Labs, Jul. 2002
percentage of people who immediately delete messages from
unrecognized senders: 52%
Source: Quris,
May, 2002
Sending individual email messages gets better response than
multiple recipients.
Source: New
Scientist, Jul. 2002
percentage of email marketers using HTML email: 54.2%
Source: Opt-In
News, Jan. 2002
(HTML email is mail that contains graphics, etc. It is contrasted
with "text email".)